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Pamela Sargent 's Books

A very well recieved series by Pamela Sargent are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Golden Space, STAR TREK: TOS #83 - Heart of the Sun, Erdeni's Tiger, Watchstar, The Shore of Women, Isles, Danny Goes to Mars, Venus of Shadows, Eye of the Comet, Outside The Windows, Venus of Dreams, Thumbprints, The Mountain Cage, Alien Child, Climb the Wind: A Journey Into Another Past, Ruler of the Sky: A Novel of Genghis Khan, Hillary Orbits Venus, Child of Venus, STAR TREK: The Original Series - Garth of Izar, Dream of Venus and Other Science Fiction Stories, Eye of Flame, The Sudden Star, Puss in D.C. and Other Stories, Behind the Eyes of Dreamers, Cloned Lives, Alien Upstairs, Homesmind, The Second Cat Megapack: Frisky Feline Tales, Old and New, which was published in 2022.